Saturday, June 16, 2007


(From 01/16/07)

The snow that started to fall in hunks early this morning has not melted. I am fairly snowbound. Driving my pathetic, if serviceable, 1997 Geo Metro is risky at best and I've already cancelled some one appointment and expect to have to forgo a "working dinner" meeting in Portland.

Maggie accompanied Larry who bravely trudged to the mailbox, raised its flag, and removed The Oregonian from its yellow cubby hole. Geordie exited the dog door and examined the rare white stuff, gingerly using a paw to play "scratch 'n sniff" with the fallen snow. Powdery stuff. Shortly after that, he darted outside to confront an errant Labrador that confronted at the fence-- playfully yet asserting exactly whose yard this was.

Yesterday, was Martin Luther King's birthday and a day off for Larry, so we-- two humans, two canids-- headed down to the cemetery trailwhich is really the only suitable green space for our walks. Ice crackled beneath or feet and snow decorated the ground, spottily, sort of like the frosting on a Starbucks ginger scone. Took a few pictures with cell phones, which I don't recommend if you're after art-quality photography.
So it appears that we're stuck here, snowbound, Western Oregon-style, which is not the same a being walled in by three feet of Minnesotan snow or even the kind that makes it necessary to shovel your driveway. But it shows no sign of melting.

I will sit down with Maggie and Geordie, all hunkered down with a mug of Chai tea and a novel. Maggie will reread one of her Jane Austens.

Stay warm,
Jill, Mag, Geord

Holy Terrier Dog Designs

Cairn Terrier Tartan

Cairn Terrier Tartan
Courageous, loyal, watchful, amusing, independent, spirited, and intelligent, the Cairn Terrier truly is "the best little pal."

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