Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cairn Terrier Vocalse

There’s been quite the discussion on the cairn-list about “arooooooooing” and other styles of Cairn terrier vocalizations, or Cairn vocalise, as I like to call it, having had a wee bit of vocal training in my own background and a modicum of pretention.

(My age contains enough years to make two American Idols.)

Members of this list have had a free-for-all sharing what their Cairn terriers say and how they say is.

I noticed that my friend Jeanie in Snohomish, WA, who happens to be a terrorist (okay, it’s officially called a “librarian”)

Strange Librarians

Strange Librarians
Terrorists or stewards of the minds? God forbid that reading a banned book should make you think!

posted that Geordie has the ability to say the word “HELLO.” When you hear it, it more or less knocks your socks off. Those who haven’t heard it think I am making it up. I am not making it up.

To be fair, Geordie does have a bit of a speech impediment in that he has difficulty pronouncing the "l". Therefore, his "hello" sounds more like a well-enunciated "herro."

Both my dogs use their voices and do so uniquely.

1) Greets you in English, but if he were ever on Letterman, he would take great pleasure in acting mute and regarding me with a look reserved for total loons.
2) Has the vocal range of Julie Andrews in her prime. (I may have mentioned this before.)
3) Grumbles and growls at bushes. He apparently has something to say to
whatever dog was there before he arrived to re-anoint. (Growls at
Bushes.) Also talks to trees.
4) I am told that in my absence, he emits a very plaintive lupine howl.
I am also told that it breaks your heart if you hear it and that he
makes a little "o" with his mouth.
5) Sleep-talking, sleep-crying, sleep-growling. Hard to let sleeping dog
6) The usual Cairn vocalise. Sometimes sounds like Cousin It from The
Addams Family. If I don't groom him, he will also resemble Cousin It
with a fleece vest under his hair.
7) Not much of an arrrrrrrrrrrroooooooo-er. But his brother Haggis is

1) Beautiful mezzo voice, like Marilyn Horne would have if she were a
Cairn terrier. Lovely timbre and overtones and more of an alto than a
soprano. Only slightly more lyrical than dramatic.
2) Garrulous. She likes to talk a lot. She barks. Has rhythm. Would
hypnotize prey if she gave a rip about Earthdog tests.
3) When hungry, she manufactures a sound that is a dead ringer for a
crying infant. You know-- Nature made babies that way so that their
mothers would attend to them. She developed this during middle age.
4) Variety of Cairn vocalise. She is probably practicing her scales.

Cairn Terrier "Tub 'O Pups"

Oh, dear—these puppies have a whole story! We were so involved in LIVING this story that I have yet to write about it. All are Oliver’s children (Geordie’s grandkids.) But it’s not simple. One is a half-sib. Can you pick him out?


Kind words and sentiments from Mag, Geord, and their faithful lackey, Jill

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