Friday, November 9, 2007

Back After a Long Absence

Summer turned to fall-- with that exhilarating chill in the air. As the temperature dropped into the low 70s and high 60s, Geordie and Maggie became friskier. They're really not warm-weather dogs. I am not sure I'm a warm-weather organism either. Time passes and this blog lies barren. Other things have kept me away, mostly a descent into depression. But I'm back for now and trying-- with a little prodding from my Cairn terrier duo, who will not be ignored. . . Thank goodness for them, my lifelines. Even in the profundity of the hell called depression, I could not deny them their walks; and they forced me to do something good for myself.

It's only early November, but today was the first day that felt like winter. Most of the leaves have surrendered to the ground and they're in bags now, although there are plenty of oak leaves along the curbs of our neighborhood. Maggie likes to cavort in those. Geordie will pee on them, but then again, he pees on most things. . .

Today the leaves had that look of shiny varnish, and I wore a coat and double layers of clothes. Maggie and Geordie had their double coats and I saw some virtue in my sloth. They're in dire need of grooming-- especially Geordie whose undercoat is as thick as batting.

I allowed myself to go at their pace and mostly didn't have to cajole them from their explorations. I believe that the boring neighborhood is new to them each time we walk about. But one thing is familiar. About half a block away, I unleash Maggie and she soars toward the house and scratches the door. In we go, I unbundle, and assault them unawares with the Dremel tool. Their nails are slightly cold and wet, so it's not so bad. They forgive me when I dole out a particularly generous handful of treats.

It has been dark for hours now. Geordie is sprawled on the carpet. Maggie is comfortably slumbering on the futon next to the chair in which I sit. They've eaten and are battening down the metaphorical hatches.

As for me-- and the late Robert Frost-- "I have promises to keep. . . and miles to go before I sleep."

Jill, Mag, Geord